
Mark Zachary Taylor

Co-Director — GTDC Program
Associate Professor — School of Public Policy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Rich Bldg 208-B
258 4th St NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0345
Tel: (404) 385-4571
Fax: (404) 894-0504
TWITTER feed: @mzak123

CIV pic2 January 2025 CV

I am formerly a solid-state physicist, who now specializes in American political economy, international relations, and comparative politics. In my research, I seek to 1) explain why some countries are better than others at science, technology, and innovation; 2) investigate the relationship between the presidency and US economic performance. My research has been published in the following journals:

Foreign Affairs
International Organization
Security Studies
Journal of Business Venturing
Review of Policy Research
PS: Political Science & Politics
Presidential Studies Quarterly
Critical Review
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Journal of Political Science Education
Harvard International Review

In 2024, I received both the Distinguished Teaching Award from my college (for instruction at the undergrad and grad levels) and the Innovation in Co-Curricular Education Award from Georgia Tech’s Center for Teaching and Learning (for the co-design and co-implementation of our GTDC Program).

I also served as Chair of the Science, Technology, and Environmental Politics Section of the APSA from 2008-2011.